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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  December 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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neighborhood, a man accused of shooting his wife through the door, but why police left without taking him into custody. and marching for their livelihoods, the site escalates with some vendors saying they have no choice but to go rogue. and some exciting activity on the sun, but could these eruptions cause a major disruption to our power grid? >> as the sun rotates, it is bringing things to us, we might be holding our breath. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> another storefront in san francisco left in shambles by a brazen smash-and-grab. and this time it is a cvs in richmond, it was forced to close today after thieves smashed their truck through the entrance and made off with the atm. chopper
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was overhead, as repair crews were busy picking up the pieces this afternoon at the store. as jose martinez shows us, thieves are still using this tactic isn't as -- even as police are ramping up their efforts to crack down on retail theft. >> reporter: workers were busy today, boarding up the store and cleaning up glass left behind after yet another break in. this time at a cvs store in the richmond district. >> it's kind of sad. sad and horrible. >> reporter: danny has been living in this neighborhood for more than 30 years and tells me things are different now. >> things seemed to have changed since the pandemic started. i haven't been traveling that much, i don't know what other cities are like but it seems like the people are a little different, i don't know. >> reporter: at least five suspects smashed the truck into the front door of the store on
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32nd avenue, and in a statement, cbs said we are cooperating with local police as they investigated the incident at the 32nd store overnight, a truck crashed into the building and the atm was stolen. the store was closed at the time of the incident and we plan to reopen as soon as the police investigation is complete. these incidents trigger his anxiety because he himself has been a victim of crimes in the area, forcing him to make drastic decisions. >> i no longer have a car, i sold it, the second time i got my converter stolen. it happened within a year, i think it happened twice. >> reporter: retail theft was going down . officers are inside retail establishments, from walgreens to the bigger retail outlets. yet, things are not getting better, so for now,
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he is going to keep riding the bus. and danny tells me he wants to see more police officers here in the richmond district at all times, especially at night. >> we have seen this before at high-end stores, in october, thieves ran their way into the christian dior right before making off with handbags and other merchandise. two suspects were charged. the recent efforts by police including undercover operations are showing results. data from the council on criminal justice found retail theft dropped 35% in the first half of the year compared to last year. berkeley police are investigating a burglary at the apple store on fourth street. officers say two to three suspects in all black clothing made off with more than 40 cell phones yesterday. they took off in a white suv toward interstate 80.
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today in berkeley, an amazon delivery driver was carjacked at gunpoint while he was taking a break just after 12:30, a suspect stole his van in the area of arlington avenue and san luis road. it was found abandoned on thousand oaks boulevard. you can see police in the area where the van was recovered, officers say the thief made off with several packages. let's go to a developing story, police activity ramping up in the neighborhood of pleasant hill, in the same area where a long standoff took place last night. one man shot his wife through the door of their home. anne makovec is following the details once again. >> reporter: this centers around a man that the newsgroup recognizes as a retired detective from the pittsburgh pd, that raises a lot of questions after he was allowed to stay in his house and was
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not arrested last night. but that might be chging. police closing monument boulevard in both directions near interstate 680, this is near where everything played out last night, police got the call thursday, a woman locked out of her home on cleopatra drive . she told her family it was her husband who locked her out and when they got there, they found a woman was injured, she was shot while trying to break through a barricaded door . she was taken to hospital and treated and released. the husband stayed in the house. officers called in crisis negotiators and the s.w.a.t. team, telling the neighborhood to shelter in place. over the course of several hours, they tried to make contact with the man but no response. he kept posting on social media including a picture in which he was wearing a long gun on his side and a bulletproof vest saying only for self-defense.
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police describe these as potentially suicidal but eventually they simply left. the shooting suspect still inside. police said the circumstances indicated the husband was not an immediate threat to the general public that after leaving the scene this morning, police are back and neighbors are told to shelter in place for a second night after what was a quiet day in that neighborhood. we are going to keep following this case and bring you the very latest. >> thank you. dozens of legal street vendors and from selling their goods marched from the mission district to city hall today, they say it aimed at cracking down on illegal activity and it is threatening their livelihoods. the vendors held signs calling on the city to immediately allow them to sell goods during the crucial holiday season, they say since it took effect nearly two weeks ago, they are struggling to
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make ends meet and feel unfairly punished. >> we are a part of the solution. we are willing to work with the city. >> the city offered financial help for legal vendors, a one-time payout of $1000 but some say they will be back in the same position when that money runs out. the city did open two indoor locations for legitimate vendors to sell their goods but when we last visited on what should be a busy sunday, there were very few vendors and no shoppers. vendors say they were lucky to make $10 per day. some vendors are going rogue , setting up tents on the sidewalk on 24th street. we will see if the city cracks down on this new market. some major updates on two high-profile infrastructure projects in california now moving forward after more than a decade of delays. first, california's high-speed rail, officials touted a $3 billion
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investment from the biden administration to help lay down the first track in the central valley. roughly 170 miles would connect bakersfield, fresno and merced. the money won't be enough to complete the ultimate goal, linking los angeles to san francisco. construction is already happening in the valley where at least 10 major via docs, bridges, overpasses and underpasses have been built. the former governor, jerry brown has been a supporter and emphasized today how important it is to keep going. >> this makes sense , from comfort and new technology, linking one part of the state to the other and quite frankly catching up with the rest of the world. if we are going to compete with china, china has 20,000 miles of light speed rail. we have to get going. >> the cost has jumped
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dramatically over the years, up to more than $100 billion, the hope is to begin service between bakersfield and merced as early as 2030. a mostly private high-speed rail project called bright line was also awarded $3 billion in grant funding, it is expected to connect las vegas to san bernardino county. the state is also pressing forward with one of the most controversial water projects in modern history. it is the $16 billion delta tunnel in the department of water resources released the final environmental impact report today. the 45 mile tunnel would ship water from the delta, about 9000 cubic feet of water per second down to southern california. environmental groups have been fighting the project, they are worried it would take too much water away from towns, farms and fish. the golden state san jose
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should -- said in a statement, the core problem is we are pumping too much water from the bay delta. we need to divert less. the report means the state can move forward with permitting that it is unlikely the project will break ground before the end of the decade. more people throwing their hat in the ring to fill the soon to be vacated southbay and peninsula congress seat when prolific legislature retires at the end of her term, and the newly official candidate is the biggest name of the bunch. the former san jose mayor has filed the necessary papers today and he swore his allegiance to the state and country. >> i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> and still ahead, some
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intense activity happening on the sun, but as these solar flares become more powerful, there are fears that could cause troubles for our own power grid. >> the disruptions to long-distance energy transmission, it would be sobering. we saw plenty of sunshine today, clear skies
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there is a lot of action happening right now on the sun, just like climate patterns on earth, the sun goes through a cycle of activity and it is ramping up right now, resulting in pretty spectacular eruptions or solar flares. but, that could cause serious disruptions here on earth. >> point it right at the sun, a little bit of focusing. that is professor jeff matthews. >> take a look. what do you see? that is the sun. that is the only thing bright enough to get through this filter. >> andrea isn't the only one excited about what is happening on the sun lately. late in november, what is called the
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sunspots rotated interview around the northeastern limb and under the watchful eye of stanford student, ethan . >> we get to see these fairly dark spots, which are very large magnitude, which means they are several earths large for each little dart that we see. >> as it rotates, it is bringing these things to bear on us, and maybe hold your breath. >> the number of sunspots is increasing. >> as more activity is ramping up, we are seeing more of those solar flares and big eruptions on the sun. >> that part isn't unusual. >> but this is one of the first times we have been able to see so many dark spots that
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are so close to each other, and so large. >> hours ago, massive prominences left from the sun , carrying billions of tons of solar plasma, last week, this mass ejection from its surface, when it hit the earth, it produced amazing displays of northern lights, but if they are big enough, they can wreak havoc. >> 6 million people across quebec woke up to darkness and disbelief. they don't know, but they think it has something to do with solar flares. scientists recorded some of the largest players this century. >> but in the event that was the granddaddy of them all, the carrington event. in 1859, this sunspot cluster fired a flare at earth literally burning up telegraph offices and pushing the northern lights down to south america. and that was 1859. now we are much more dependent on a system of long wires, our power grid, where we have these wires stretching
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across the landscape. the disruptions, the long-distance energy transmission, it would be sobering. that would be my choice here. >> in the meantime, we just can't say exactly what we will see. >> i saw a plane, it passed right in front of it, perfect timing. >> the earth's atmosphere shields our bodies from the impacts of solar flares, nasa has been in space since 2010, it is keeping a close watch to help us better understand solar activity and prepare for powerful flares. after a couple of rainy days and some chilly mornings, paul another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee.
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we want to get back to the developing story in pleasant hill, let's take a look at some pictures from monument boulevard, police closing down lanes near 680, this is related to a shooting last night that led to an unusual standoff. neighbors in the sherman akers neighborhood are being told to shelter in place again. pleasant hill police telling the bay area news group that it was a retired pittsburgh police detective who should -- fired his shotgun through the door, hitting his wife last evening.
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he has been in his house ever since. now they are back and we will keep monitoring this situation. let's switch gears and talk about the first alert weather and leading into the weekend, it has been really chilly. >> well, you know, it is december. it tends to be a cold time of year, especially early in the morning. we have to dress in layers because as we go through the day, the temperatures will warm up to around 60 on average. and more of the same in-store through the weekend, rain chances the past couple of days, those are done for a while, this is shaping up with a high-pressure taking over the upper levels of the atmosphere, just more atmosphere piled on top of us, there's going to be some
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passing clouds but those are going to be high in the atmosphere, they are going to filter the sunshine and any hint of rainfall is far down the line. the tail end of the forecast for next week. by friday night into saturday, we are talking seven days in advance, we are talking about the rain chances really far down the line , and really even beyond that, it doesn't look like we are going to see any substantial rain for a few days afterwards. let's take a look at where the temperature stand at the moment, as we look outside from the mark hopkins hotel, temperatures in the upper 40s and 50s, cooling off quickly, we will dip into the mid-to-upper 30s by early tomorrow morning. in the north bay, even dropping down to near freezing, temperatures around the bay mostly in the low 40s which isn't quite as 40 but a little bit below average. let's take a look at where the temperatures end up for
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tomorrow, bringing all of the numbers on the map, temperatures inland are going to recover from that chilly start, warming up by about 30 degrees, into the low 60s for those inland high temperatures. san francisco, just around 60, and the east bay mostly in the upper 50s, but that is also very close to normal. all of these temperatures around average for mid-december. the warmer spots will be the peninsula and santa clara valley. 63 degrees will be the warmest spot on the map by tomorrow. let's take a look at the dog walking forecast for tomorrow, we have an adoptable dog for tomorrow, his favorite thing in the world is playing fetch with his tennis ball. actually, his favorite thing would be finding his forever home in time for christmas, but he is available at the east county animal shelter . temperatures are going to reach close to 60 degrees in dublin
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and if you are heading out to santa clara for the 49ers game against the seahawks on sunday, things are looking good. kickoff around 60 degrees, getting into the low 60s through the day but there's going to be some passing clouds overhead throughout sunday afternoon. let's take a look at the forecast as we look at the seven-day outlook, temperatures are going to warm up a little bit early next week, monday and tuesday is the warmest, reaching the midst -- mid-60s. we will bring in the bay forecast and temperatures are going to be very similar, in fact hardly any difference at all , just a couple of degrees cooler along the coast. some passing clouds sunday and monday, more cloud cover by friday of next week, that is ahead of that rain chance and really the forecast models are is trying to figure it out. but unsettled once we get through
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food banks need our help all year-round, and especially the holiday season. shawn chitnis is at the alameda county food bank where they just received a big donation. >> reporter: we are at the alameda county community food bank where they are working hard to get 1 million meals out
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each week and it of course takes everyone in the community to make that happen. here's a great example of one club in the community doing just that. we want to say hello to ron and david. >> we have a big check for you today, and for the food bank. >> tell us how you raised that money. >> we have $62,000 so far and counting, and the way we did it, we have an annual bike event in october called the east bay dirt classic, and we get the community involved. we have a bunch of people come out and we put out leads to the community and say, come support this great cause. and i have a challenge for all of you out there, you have to do this if you are a book club, bike club, sports club, whatever, do the same thing we are doing and we will help you.
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>> and you guys have been doing this for quite some time, so you have a good track record. >> that is true, we have been putting this on for about 10 years. we just wanted to be able to give back to the community that we ride in as well as raising awareness about the food insecurity within that community, in the larger cycling world. there's a ton of us here in the bay area. >> let's present the check to the man who is going to receive it, reggie who is dressed appropriately to celebrate, what does it mean to get a check like this from a club that is just doing their job to help support you? >> it is amazing, they have been supporting us for over a decade at this point, and i really like the challenge because any group can come together and support a cause like ours. this is going to provide is about 120,000 meals in the community, and counting. >> so you can be a part of that effort and make your own donation as well, go to kpix
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.com or use the qr code on your screen right now to make a donation as well. >> before we leave you, here is a dog rescue in oakland we want to tell you about, the chp said the officer stopped traffic on the freeway after she saw this dog running across. it was on interstate 880, so the officer took the dog aboard to the animal shelter to hopefully find a forever home. thank you for doing all of that work. cbs >> norah: tonight the legal jeopardy for the president's son, the 56-page indictment that accuses hunter biden of $1.4 million tax evasion scheme. prosecutors say he used money for drugs and women. ♪ ♪ the new details tonight about the charges against hunter biden. synagogues across the country on high alert after police arrested a man for firing a shotgun ou


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